Discover a new, natural way to wake up every day feeling like your old self again.
If you’re like a lot of people, you’re sick of waking up feeling… well… old.
You never thought you’d be dragging yourself out of bed every day, popping pills and chugging coffee to get you through your day.
But here you are.
You wish you could do the exercises that you love but you’re scared you’re going to do harm (which means your clothes keep getting tighter).
And... you think you're doing the right things to help, but you never feel any better.
Here’s the thing: there’s one big thing missing (in fact, even a lot of health professionals miss this!).
And it’s the number 1 cause of all of your problems.
It's alignment.
Because alignment is what dictates your body's ability to function, flow, and absorb forces easily.
Basically, alignment is the key to finally feeling good again.
Exercise on a misaligned body causes destruction, damage and ultimately disease.
It's like having a mechanic living in your car, who's available for emergency repairs 24/7, while restoring it part by part.
I am a professional who has witnessed too many lives cut short or screwed up by medical errors and a Mom in her 50's keeping up with her teenage daughter.
Most recently, my daughter's former teacher died of complications from elective knee surgery.
It was a routine operation. This 63-year-old with 3 kids entering their early 20's was getting ready to retire after over 35 years as an elementary school teacher. She had her whole life in front of her. She was teaching on Friday and dead by Monday. She had a bad knee. That's it.
I am a professional who has witnessed too many lives cut short or screwed up by medical errors and the medical merry go round and a Mom in her 50's keeping up with her daughter.
Most recently, my daughter's former teacher died of complications from elective knee surgery.
It was a routine operation. This 63-year-old with 3 kids entering their early 20's was getting ready to retire after over 35 years as an elementary school teacher. She had her whole life in front of her. She was teaching on Friday and dead by Monday. She had a bad knee. That's it.
It's a tragic reality. Over 250,000 people die every year as a result of medical errors, in the US alone. Barring 2020, it is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States and it can happen with any intervention. It doesn't matter how big or small.
I personally almost lost my life after undergoing a dental implant 5 years ago. Something felt terribly wrong but my doctor dismissed me and referred me on. My surgeon told me what I was describing was impossible. It was perhaps in my head, and I should "go to an allergist". Like most patients, I felt minimized and frustrated. The pain and sickness meant I couldn't work, and it had a massive impact on my whole family.
Had I not had the knowledge of health and access to experts, you would not be reading this now.
I have connections and I know the industry.
Most people don't.
I am choosing to share my expertise, knowledge and experience, empowering others to self-heal so they can avoid procedures and have resources available so that can not only improve their quality of life, but perhaps save it.
"My 30 years of experience from Cardiac Rehab to the Olympic Training Room has prepared me to teach people how to heal themselves using non-invasive, simple strategies."
DL Walker
It was amazing! I got relief in 15 minutes!
"I consulted DL Walker via Zoom where she taught me some of her comprehensive core technique. I had already spent over $500 on Chinese herbal supplements and plasters. Within about 15 minutes of doing the comprehensive core, I had 90% pain reduction and full range of motion! It was amazing! Now I’m psyched to learn more! If you have stubborn pain, definitely seek the expertise of DL Walker! It will save you time and money."
Dr. Karen Kan
Founder of the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method and bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain – a Holistic Approach.
Applying DL's techniques will get results.
"What I love the most about her healing philosophy is that it grounded in the way our natural body works. She helps to restore the structure so that the body can get on with the healing of itself, with the guidance of her expertise. Whether you have the opportunity to have her work with you one on one or whether you are learning techniques from her that you can apply to yourself and your own life, you will feel better with her as your guide, as you work towards your desired performance goals."
Mary Kay Cetan
Doctor Oriental Medicine. Sarasota, FL
Correcticise™ is for you if you want to:
Feel safe and free in your life; get out of pain naturally, avoid medication and surgery.
Protect yourself from injury and disease by managing your bodies correctly.
Learn the proper and most effective way to move and exercise without spending countless hours at a gym. Making life your workout.
Optimize your time and energy by targeting the neurological, muscular, and skeletal systems that diminish with age.
Access experts without having to travel to an office appointment or special event.
Experience Correcticise™ Now
What makes CorrecticiseTM so unique?
Pain relief in as little as 2 weeks. Elimination of pain typically occurs within 4 weeks.
A teaching program that empowers you to heal you in body, mind and energy.
Instructions on the most ideal, efficient and correct way to move and hold your body, so results last a lifetime.
Expert instruction by a licensed professional with over 30 years experience and degrees in Physical Therapy, Exercise Science, Fitness, and Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Optimize your time and energy.
You don't need to exercise more, exercise more wisely.
Correcticise™ routines take the guess work out of fitness.
Her solutions are quick, practical, and easy to do.
"DL has a unique understanding of the human body and an unwavering dedication to uncovering the source of your problem. Her solutions are quick, practical, and easy to do."
Most people don't or they physically can't because of faulty alignment.
Incorrect actions lead to injuries and degeneration.
Correcticise™ gives you a body that can correctly align, the knowledge to correctly move, and reinforces these activities so that they become habits.
When walking occurs in an aligned body, every step that you take is an abdominal exercise.
Introducing Correcticise™
Correcticise™ gives you:
Live monthly coaching and Q and A.
(Value: $127)
A video library of hundreds of videos and video routines that continues to grow.
(Value: $41)
An expanding special presentations library.
(Value: $25)
Access to experts at the touch of a button.
(Value: Priceless)
TOTAL VALUE: $140.00/monthly
Incredible offer:
As low as $24.75/month
Cancel at anytime.
Just $1.60 a day.
Less than your daily coffee.
I have seen significant improvements and the quality of my life changed.
"DL Walker has been amazing. I have seen significant improvement and the quality of my life has changed. I am able to take the ideas she has taught me and head off problems now as they arise. Thank you DL!"
Get a PhD fixing yourself by accessing experts with the touch of a button.
Best selling authors, speakers, teachers, leaders, professionals able to guide you live and on demand.
Your membership includes weekly live events: instruction, mentoring, special presentations, and interviews.
It's like the Netflix of optimal health and healing.
12 months of Correcticise billed yearly.
CLICK HERE For 2 Monthly Billed Payments of $179
All the benefits of 3–12 months of Correcticise + 90 minutes direct with DL.
Packages begin at
Here's how to experience Correcticise™ for $1.
Receive all of the following for the
and without future obligation:
Live Mentoring Classes
Access to Experts
Step-by-step The Total Body Renovation
"4 Minutes to Fit" Fitness Routines
Correcticise™ Your Body
Correcticise™ Your Life
As low as $24.75/month
*You will receive an email reminder the day before billing.
After 7 days of free access, you will be billed $44.
Your subscription will continue to be billed at $44/month until cancellation.
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Clinical Foot and Ankle Specialist.
My goal is to get you out of pain and avoid surgery now and in the future.
As a Physical/Manual Therapist and Trainer of Olympic Athletes, I have combined over 30 years of experience in the healthcare field to design a range of programs for individuals, practitioners, and corporates that get results, fast. I achieve this by utilizing a broad range of skills including physical therapy, exercise physiology, massage, neurophysiology, athletic training, and practice growth coaching all the way through to alternative medicine.
Take good care of your body, mind, and spirit, it’s the only true home that you really have.
Associations I have been affiliated with:
I am amazed at how much you have made available from all your expertise.
"As I go through the information of the rotational release, core release methods, taping & many videos explaining your method, I am again amazed at how much you have made available from all your expertise. And your sincere care to help/empower clients. "
I’ve found the absolute best therapist that can help me with getting my body back in perfect harmony.
I went to DL Walker in to help me with realigning my foot, which had been in a cast for months from a previous knee surgery.
She immediately knew what to do, and went to work on foot. She then had me use a different taping method and I continued to improve with my balance and the realigning of my foot.
Thank you so much, DL Walker for your knowledge and expertise.
DDL, Tennis Pro, Houston TX
I went to DL Walker in October of 2018 to help me with realigning my foot, which had been in a cast for months from a previous knee surgery.
I had been taping it prior to seeing her, using the videos that she had posted, but felt that I was stuck in my progress.
She immediately knew what to do, and went to work on foot. She then had me use a different taping method and I continued to improve with my balance and the realigning of my foot.
I went again in January of 2019, where she added some new techniques, exercises and new taping methods. I feel like I am continuing to improve, and will see her again in April.
Having walked wrong on my foot for so long, I realize that it will take time to get my foot back to its proper alignment, but I feel like I've found the absolute best therapist that can help me with getting my body back in perfect harmony.
Thank you so much, DL Walker for your knowledge and expertise.
DLL, Tennis Pro, Houston, TX